Spend time with us at the office for our CHW Vaccine Clinic! These QTPIs will pass out goody bags of helpful health resources and information.
Our CHW clinic will administer all COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, as well as both series of the mpox vaccines. We will also have flu vaccines, pending availability. We hope to share space with you next week!
Friday, June 2nd from 3:00 pm-6:30 pm.
UTOPIA PDX Office across the parking lot from Airport Café.
7820 NE Holman St,
Suite B1
Portland, OR, 97218
Please send your questions to our CHWs at pi_chw@utopiaportland.org.
Supported by Oregon Health Authority and Multnomah County Health Department.
#UTOPIAPDX #utopiaportland #qcenter #qtpi #queer #trans #pasifika #pacificislander #poly #polynesian #melanisian #micronesian #chws #communityhealthworkers #oha #oregonhealthauthority #wecandothis #covid19 #flu #mpox #vaccines #vaccineclinic #healthbags #healthresources #multnomahcountyhealth #fluseason