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Oceania Healings: Pen-Pal Matching and Letter Processing for 2SLGBTQI+ incarcerated folks

Save the date for Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 6-8pm! In collaboration with Black and Pink PDX, we will be meeting online for a Pen-Pal Matching and Letter Processing for 2SLGBTQIA+ incarcerated folks in Oregon. ✍🏽 ❤️‍🩹

The meeting room will be shared the day of and RSVP info will be coming out soon. In the meantime, turn your IG notifications for UTOPIA PDX so you don't miss out on the RSVP link for this event!

You can stay-up-to-date with Black and Pink PDX on Instagram:

If you have additional access needs in order to fully participate in this event please contact 72 hours prior to the event.


Alt ID: Event flyer white Oceania Healings logo over a background of blue waves. White text over a blue and red block with info on the event time and RSVP info.


#UTOPIAPDX  #utopiaportland #OceaniaHealings #BlackandPinkPDX #criminaljusticesystem #penpal #penpalmatching #letterprocessing #PasifikaCulture #pacificislander#QTPIs #queerandtranspacificislanders #portland #incarceration #lgbtq2sia